Prof. Jonas Tegenfeldt, PhD

Solid State Physics


1. Robert H. Austin, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, and Eugene Y. Chan, “Optically Characterizing Polymers”, U. S. Patent #6,790,671 issued September 14, 2004 [pdf file]

2. Robert H. Austin, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, Edward C. Cox, Chia-Fu Chou, and Olgica Bakajin, “Electrode-less dielectrophoresis for polarizable particles”, US Patent #6,824,664 issued November 30, 2004 [pdf file]

3. Han Cao, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, Stephen Y. Chou, Robert H. Austin, “Gradient structures interfacing microfluidics and nanofluidics, methods for fabrication and uses thereof”, US Patent #7,217,562 issued May 15, 2007 [pdf file]

4. Stephen Y. Chou, Han Cao, Robert H. Austin, Zhaoning Yu, Jonas O. Tegenfeldt, “Nanochannel arrays and their preparation and use for high throughput macromolecular analysis”, US Patent #7,670,770 issued March 2, 2010 [pdf file]

5. Jonas Tegenfeldt, Walter Reisner, and Henrik Flyvbjerg, “Method for the mapping of the local AT/GC ratio along DNA”, US Patent #9,597,687 issued March 21, 2017 [pdf file]


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Contact information Lund:


Jonas Tegenfeldt

Office Q142
Division of Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Lund University
Box 118
SE-221 00 Lund

Visiting address:
Professorsgatan 1
Click here for a map!

Office Phone: +46-(0)46-222 8063 (forwarded to mobile phone)
Fax: +46-(0)46-222 3637
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Optics and fluidics labs (Q129 and Q112)
Soft lithography (PDMS) lab (Q126)
Super resolution microscopy (STED) lab (Q115)
Microbiology lab (BSL2) (Q262)

Biochemistry Lab (Q226)

Storage room (C266A)


Short CV:


2014 - present Full Professor at Solid State Physics, Lund University

2008-2014 VR-financed "Rådsforskare" (Eng: Senior Research Fellowship Award)

2003-2008 VR-financed "Forskarassistent" (Eng: Assistant Professor)

2007 Docent (Associate Professor) in Solid State Physics

1998 - 2003 PostDoc at Princeton University

1997 PhD in Solid State Physics Lund University

1991 MSc in Engineering Physics / Materials Science Uppsala University

1986 Swedish Defense Institute of Language (Military Service)


Research interests

Micro and nanotechnology to address life science problems.


  • Separation science
  • Nanofluidics
  • Polymers in confined environments
  • Tools for single-cell biology
  • Super resolution microscopy (STED)